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Delivered To Your Door

Your TANKS ‘R’ US tank can be delivered to your door, for an additional cost, access permitting. It will be delivered by one of our trucks or perhaps a truck and trailer, depending on loads required for your region at the time. You should let us know if you cannot accommodate a semi at your property so we can arrange delivery appropriately.

Truck and Trailer Delivery 

Please check gates, roads, roundabouts, crossings and overhanging trees on your property so that we can deliver your tank without damage. Please note that if a crane or other equipment must be used during delivery, hire of this equipment is at the purchaser’s expense.

Organise Assistance

Our delivery will need help to unload your tank from the truck. Please have persons available to assist at the time of delivery. If assistance cannot be provided the hire or use of any equipment is at purchaser’s expense .i.e. crane hire, 4WD tractor hir, backhoe hire, front-end loader hire.

When Your Tank Arrives

Secure Your Tank

It is recommended that you put at least 25mm (1″) of water into the tank or otherwise secure your tank form being blown away. Tanks’R’Us tank no responsibility for tanks being damaged in this way.